Imagine a world where people wake up every day with the knowledge that they matter.

Most people refer to me as the "Napkin Notes Dad." It is a title I take pride in. It represents a life time of relationship building - not just with my daughter Emma but with everyone I meet.
Napkin Notes was one of many ways I was able to build relationships with people to remind them they matter.
After being diagnosed with cancer 4 times and not knowing what the future holds for me - I know now is the time to share what I have learned.
Our Story
I do not know how long I have to live.
But I can be certain of one simple thing: No matter my fate, my daughter, Emma, will find a handwritten note inside her lunchbox each day until she graduates from high school.
Shortly after Emma turned twelve, I learned I had kidney cancer.
Determined to make the time I had left meaningful, I made a promise to compile years’ worth of notes to give my daughter through her high school graduation. What I did not know is that promise would become a book - Napkin Notes.
The goal was and has always been to encourage people to connect in simple and meaningful ways.
People Who Have Helped Us Share Our Message.
We are lucky. We are lucky to have friends who not only support the movement but believe there is value in building relationships with the people in our lives.