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Castle Point Court
Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad




My Bucket List


The Napkin Notes Blog

My Bucket List

WGarth Callaghan

This list isn't about the end of life.  I am definitely not thinking about dying. Although we're well aware of the statistics surrounding my medical situation, that isn't why I am sharing this. I've had a few conversations lately that have led me to share my 'bucket list.' and I have been thinking about checking off some things.  Sadly, I didn't really have a big list, it was really only the first seven shown here.  I have given this some thought over the past week and have come up with a few things that I need to do.  And again, don't get me wrong, I am not rushing to complete this.  I am patient.  

This list is about living. 

I am also leaving the last one blank on purpose.  You never know what might pop into my head down the road.  They are in no particular order after the first 7.  

  1. Inspire parents around the world to write Napkin Notes (Work in progress!) 
  2. Own a pub in Ireland and pour pints of Guinness for my friends 
  3. Relearn German & teach German Literature, esp the classics 
  4. Finish college 
  5. Win Survivor (the CBS Show) 
  6. Give a lot of money to St. Jude’s Children's Hospital 
  7. Help my mom out financially so that she can retire with dignity
  8. Own a beach house in Nag’s Head - Rent out most of the year, but go there to write
  9. Finish a triathlon 
  10. Help my wife with her dreams of cooking
  11. For that matter, help anyone meet their dreams 
  12. Walk my daughter down the aisle
  13. Write Napkin Notes for my grandkids 
  14. Go back to Germany and visit Waake - Find my old friends and host family 
  15. Organize a family reunion and make sure everyone attends
  16. “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” - Not as a contestant, but a panel guest 
  17. Visit pediatric cancer patients in my SW costume(s) to cheer them up (Check!) 
  18. Take Emma to Star Wars Celebration VI (April 2015) (delayed - maybe 2017)
  19. Big Family Vacation Each Summer - This year: Colleen’s Family and Matt’s Family (Check!) 
  20. Write a book (Check!) 
  21. Start an app development company and create awesome apps
  22. Learn to make a great toast. Make the toast (Check!)  
  23. Give the commencement speech at Emma's High School graduation 
  24. Take my family on a cruise (Soon!) 
  25. Drive across the USA with my family
  26. Really learn how to juggle, not that 5 second party trick I do to show off
  27. Earn a Black Belt 
  28. Buy new tires for a random stranger (Check - not exactly the same, but close!) 
  29. Ride a bike from Port Leyden to Saranac Lake
  30. Learn how to scuba dive 
  31. Mentor small business retail shops 
  32. Become a public speaker – Give a TED Talk (Check!) 
  33. Learn to meditate
  34. Flyboard
  35. Build an H-Wing starfighter 
  36. Drive my truck around and allow Emma to sit in the truck bed (Check!) 

In the end, happiness is a lot more than creating a list.  

If you have questions or comments about my list, message me here or via email ( and I'll do my best to answer quickly.