Final Countdown
WGarth Callaghan
The update for 11/16/06:
8 AM - Rain
9 AM - Rain
10 AM - Heavy Rain
11 AM - Rain
12 PM - Heavy Rain
1 PM - Rain
2 PM - Rain
3 PM - Are the clouds breaking?
3:05 PM - No, still raining
3:10 PM - Maybe, just maybe
The ugly, the bad, and the good.
The Ugly
The weather has been utterly awful. We're wet, and have little chance of drying out. On top of that, no one inside of Circuit City seems to be communicating "the plan." We have heard so many rumors about what will happen tomorrow morning, and no one is sure what is true. Will there be vouchers? Are they just going to throw open the doors and let it be a free-for-all? Most everyone has been here for over 24 hours. We're all very concerned about line jumpers. I won't post the language that is used when the group starts talking about someone potentially cutting the line.
The Bad
We are all pretty wet, as the rain has been heavy, and we have little hope of drying out. Even now, I am typing on my laptop through a rain poncho. Sleeping on wet things tonight will be fun!
The Good
All of the people in line are cool. We're self-policing the line, and as long as we don't miss a roll call, we can leave for brief breaks. Someone brought a grill, which would have been nice if it weren't raining so hard. There were a few card games happening and some guys were playing Risk. A few guys listened to iPods and there was more than one PSP (PlayStation Portable) being used. I have no idea what we'll be doing for the next fifteen hours.
I sent an email to a VP at Circuit City and asked if it made sense to keep the store open to midnight instead of makng us wait an extra 8 hours. Wouldn't that be great customer service?
There has been no response.