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Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad




Bucket List Item #2


The Napkin Notes Blog

Bucket List Item #2

WGarth Callaghan

Last February I wrote out a bucket list. It had 36 items. I taped a copy of it to my home office window, posted it here, and basically was sharing it with the world. I did this for a few reasons. I wanted to publicly state that these items were important to me and that I was going to make them come true, one by one. I also wanted others to think about their own bucket lists, to create them and then follow through. Create action. Make a change. Do. 

A funny thing happened once I made my list. (Here's the original post.) I actually started to check off some of the items. In many cases, others stepped up to help. I am eternally thankful. Today I am happy to check off one more item. 

2. Own a pub in Ireland and pour pints of Guinness for my friends 

I'm thrilled! We're going to Ireland! (Everyone named Callaghan should visit the homeland at least once!) We're taking a break from "real life" next April and going to explore our heritage. Even more importantly, a dear friend of mine, Molly, has arranged for me to become an honorary pub owner along the way! You'll have to be patient as you wait the 119.5 seconds for the pints of Guinness to settle.

One of my bucket list items will be crossed off in about 7 months. Well, that is, if I have friends to pour for! Lissa and Emma are coming with me. Colleen, my sister, will tag along, too. I think Molly is planning to travel with us and a high school friend, Dawn, will be there.  The trip has space for about 47 people, and there are a dozen spots left. I am extending an open invitation to my friends. If you have always wanted to travel to Ireland, I'd love to meet you there! This is a true invitation. I value the relationships in my life more than anything else. 

If you're interested, you can take a gander here: Ireland Trip 

I have never poured Guinness from a tap. I have a lot of practice ahead! 


PS - For everyone out there fighting cancer or any long term health battle, making long term plans is an incredibly important commitment. Plan for a future. Fight. Live!