Write a Note This Week — The Napkin Notes Dad

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Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad





The Napkin Notes Blog

Write a Note This Week

WGarth Callaghan


It’s time to write one note. You already have the basic tools. You just need a pen and some paper, a postcard, even. How many words could you write which would really make a difference anyway? (It’s less than you think!)

It’s time to write a note, or if you’re brave enough, a whole letter. It’s time for the Napkin Note Challenge.

A note (or letter) is such a beautiful thing. It’s a snapshot in time and something tangible that the reader can hold on to forever. It’s something besides bills and junk mail to fill the mailbox.

And here you are, pen in hand with a notecard in front of you. What’s next?

1) Greeting - It can be as simple as “Dear ______” or even just their name.

2) Date - Put the date somewhere, even on the back. It’s your snapshot in time and this is the way to do it.

3) The Note - Just write. It’s doesn’t have to be perfect. Start off with something like, “I was thinking about you.” “I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your friendship.” or “I was thinking about the time when you and I ______.”

4) The Props - Time to prop up the person reading your note. Say something positive like, “You are amazing.” or “I can’t wait to see you again. You’re so awesome.”

5) End - End with something simple. “Much love, _____” or “Thanks for being you, ______”

Here’s the challenge. Write one note before the end of the weekend and put it into the mail Monday. There’s no hashtag, no posting pictures on social media, and no humble brags about your awesome note writing skills. It’s just you and the recipient.

I am grabbing my pen right now.