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Castle Point Court
Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad






The Napkin Notes Blog

Cancer and Horse Manure

WGarth Callaghan

When I was in eighth grade, Mrs. Nona Wiley (yes, I do remember all of my teachers) shared a story with the class.

The story went something like this:

There were twin boys. They were young, probably around six. Although the boys were twins, their personalities were incredibly different. One was extremely happy and the other was extremely anxious.  The parents took the boys to see a counselor.

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Today's Cancer Update - Pi Day

WGarth Callaghan

It's been a looong day!

I met with two specialists. I was with them for about 4 hours.

When was the last time you spent more than 15 minutes with a doctor? You can do the math. It was a good day.

I still have cancer.

I can't cut it out like before. I have to be patient. My closest friends and family can attest that I am, in fact, a patient man. However, I really want this shit outta me! (Excuse my language. You know I don't cuss, but sheesh!!)

Surgery really isn't an option. I've had two surgeons play "hot potato" with me. You know when a surgeon declines cutting you open it's serious.

I still have cancer.

I could try TheraSphere Y-90 therapy. That's so cool and very technologically forward, but there's very little data for kidney cancer (metastasized to the liver) treatment. Is it worth it? It's cool, but is it viable? I can't say. I'm a statistic of one. It would also only treat the lesions on the liver. It wouldn't touch what's happening on my remaining adrenal gland.

I need to trust the experts. I need to trust in God. Why would he bring me here if it weren't the right place?

Today I end in the same way I started. I am a Stage IV, metastatic kidney cancer patient. I am a dad. I am a husband. I write Napkin Notes.

Please help me inspire other parents to write to their children. Please help me inspire people to build strong relationships with other people.

If you're here, you must believe this is a valuable message. Please share it.

Thank you for your continued support.

Bounty Supports Napkin Notes

WGarth Callaghan

A Gift From Bounty

In the interest of TLDR (Too Long, Didn't Read) I am just going to ask you to join the campaign by doing the following: 

1) Write a Napkin Note
2) Take a picture of it (then put it in a lunch) 
3) Post the picture on Twitter and use the hashtag #Napkins4Emma

The Full Version

We were approached by Bounty to work with them on a social media campaign that would help inspire people to write Napkin Notes.  They wanted to create action and have people start to write notes and then talk about the experience on Twitter. 

There were two things that moved my heart during our first conversation. The first was Bounty wanted to donate money to Emma's college fund. I started tearing up when that was first mentioned. Secondly, they knew that I didn't use Bounty napkins and they didn't care. The campaign wasn't about my product choice, it was solely focused on families, mealtime together, and being close to people.

I was floored. I am blessed. I honestly cried. Bounty was offering to help Emma.  

Please help out. Write a note. Take a picture. Share it using #Napkins4Emma

The Power of a Promise

WGarth Callaghan

There has been an implied promise in our home that Emma would have a hand-packed lunch and a Napkin Note every day.  My health circumstances last fall caused me to really look at this implied promise and make it a true commitment. I read an article last November about Alex Sheen and his social movement, “because I said I would.” I was moved to tears as I read the story and was inspired to commit to writing out Napkin Notes for Emma to carry her through high school graduation in the event that I wasn’t able to in person. 

This promise doesn’t just impact Emma, it impacts me and also my relationship with God. There is strength in this promise and it inspires me to be a better father. 

What will you promise today? 

Click HERE to learn more about "because I said I would" 
