Episode 24 - You're Unique, So Show It Off!
WGarth Callaghan
Have you ever felt like it’s difficult to stand out? Are you unique, just like everybody else? Garth shares his experience and fears of becoming lost in the system after his initial cancer diagnosis. Garth wasn’t sure how to get his doctors to remember him, and if they couldn’t remember him, how could they care about him as a person? How could they save his life?
Check Out Garth and His Shirts here: https://www.napkinnotesdad.com/blog/2018/10/23/star-wars-shirts
You can learn more about Garth and Dara on their websites and on social media:
Garth’s website: https://www.napkinnotes.com/
Dara’s website: www.crazyperfectlife.com
Garth’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/napkinnotes/
Dara’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/crazyperfectlife/
Garth’s Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/napkinnotesdad/
Dara’s Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/crazyperflife/
Use coupon code THRIVE for 50% off of Dara’s online 10 module Crush Cancer course: https://darakurtz.com/crush-cancer-course-online/
Get 10% off of any purchase and free shipping from Raw Vibe Designs by going to www.raw-vibe.com, and using coupon code THRIVE. Dara LOVES the Triangle Necklace in Quartz.
Get 15% off of any purchase from The Tea Spot by going to www.theteaspot.com and using coupon code THRIVE.
These amazing teas are produced using whole leaf tea and Dara drinks this tea ALL DAY LONG! This company was created by founder Maria, a cancer survivor and thriver.