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Castle Point Court
Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad




Episode 10 - Cancer Touches Everyone & Elevate The Globe Guests

Thrive Podcast

Getting a cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. Garth and Dara are here to teach you everything you need to move forward with your life, whatever challenges you’re facing.

Episode 10 - Cancer Touches Everyone & Elevate The Globe Guests

WGarth Callaghan

In this episode, Garth and Dara talk with Britt and Tara from Elevate the Globe. Britt shares her personal story about how cancer touched her family. She tells us about her Mom’s diagnosis and how it impacted her family and led her and Tara to start Elevate the Globe. She and Tara are committed to living a high vibrational lifestyle, Vegan eating, spiritual growth and having a daily Kundalini practice. They share personal tips and strategies they’ve learned from research about how to live a healthy lifestyle. One of their biggest tips is to start a daily morning practice to help set yourself up for a great day. There is a huge benefit to living with gratitude and eating food that has a high life force. These are foods that are grown from the earth. They encourage adding foods that are good for you, instead of focusing on what isn’t good. 

Check out Britt and Tara, from Elevate the Globe:

Britt and Tara’s Instagram page:

Their free 5 day challenge:

Podcast Questions, suggestions and feedback:

You can learn more about Garth and Dara on their websites and on social media: 

Garth’s website:

Dara’s website: 

Garth’s Facebook Page:

Dara’s Facebook Page:

Garth’s Instagram Page:

Dara’s Instagram Page:

The FREE closed Crush Cancer Facebook Group: