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Castle Point Court
Glen Allen, VA 23060


Garth Callaghan

Napkin Notes Dad




Thrive Podcast

Getting a cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. Garth and Dara are here to teach you everything you need to move forward with your life, whatever challenges you’re facing.

Episode 43: Spring Clean Your Life

WGarth Callaghan

Spring is finally here and with it, the feeling of new beginnings. You might feel motivated to clean up your home, declutter and freshen up belongings, and move your winter clothes to the back of the closet. While all of these actions are helpful, let’s not forget to take care of ourselves. Don’t just focus your energy on cleaning your home, do a little life refreshing as well.

It’s an inside job, and only you can do it. In this episode, Garth and Dara walk you through ways you can spring clean your life and help yourself feel your best.

Here’s the blog post, 4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life, for more information:

Sign up for our THRIVE Retreat at the Art of Living Retreat Center, in Boone, NC, May 3-5:

You can learn more about Garth and Dara on their websites and on social media:

Garth’s website:

Dara’s website:

Garth’s Facebook Page:

Dara’s Facebook Page:

Garth’s Instagram Page:

Dara’s Instagram Page: